
Friday, January 18, 2008

Burning a hole in my pocket!

So today was pay day and already I've purchased so many things for pleasure and business! I was on today and purchased a 7.2MP Nikon Coolpix digital camera, 2 corsets from, 6 new canvases from a new art supply shop(6 canvases of varying bigger sizes for only 33 bucks!) paid some bills and played the lotto. :o)

I bought the corsets from cherrypie b/c she does awesome work and they are mainly for after the breast reduction. Here they are and Oh yeah, lol, I want to get a reduction b/c the twins have outstayed their welcome! So there!

Tomorrow I go to office depot and buy a new photo printer in the hopes of being able to print out my work from home. Instead of getting disappointed and being charged out the butt from other printing companies. I have to tell myself, if I don't like it,(the photoprinter/digicam) just to return it instead of keeping it and being out of the money. I'm an impulsive buyer!

Oh yeah and my fortune cookie said investing in a small business would be good for me! Isn't that awesome?! It was just more amusing b/c before me and the b/f went out to lunch I was talking to him about needing to "pimp" myself out more with my art, so I can make real money and save up.

I completed my first true commissioned painting for a co-worker and she loves it! Here's the end result.......
What do you think bloggers? You can't really see it all that well... but I put droplets from the hot glue gun to mimic dew on some petals. I'm really proud of this piece and I know it can only get better. Well I need to try and force myself to get a least an hour of sleep before work. Have a lovely weekend my bloggers! *hugs*

1 comment:

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Beautiful! I'm sure she will love to hang it in her home :) How's the new job going?

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