
Monday, December 17, 2007

I did it!!

So I finally did it. I made a blog. Now what? LoL

So here is my random thought for the night. Why is it that tonight's Nip/Tuck episode looked so predictable to me? I know the show came on Tuesday night, but due to have being up 24hrs at a time, sleep finally caught up with me. Although... through my fight with slumber, I did catch snippets of the show on Tuesday. Besides all of that, just the action of the characters tonight were somewhat predictable. Like Julia falling for Christian again b/c her lover, Olivia, punked out when they were briefly taken hostage. I could already tell Julia was growing wary of the whole lesbian thing.

Oh, um I should probably talk about myself huh? Just a lil' bit...? Eh.

The name is Karen and I'm an artist. My vices are those sharp pencils and fast drying acrylic paints! I have a shop on and you can view both by clicking these nice little links I've added for you. :o) and Buy my art Check them out and I hope you enjoy!

As for the blog thing...well you should come back to see how random I am or see what gripes I might have about this or that. You know you love me already, don't lie! :o) Night, night my fellow insomniacs♥

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